Tuesday, August 12, 2008

From a Few Places to Haji Lane?? agaiinn?? :O

so ainny, emmer, faass, dii, shan and i met up on a thursday to go out and our aim was to get on that flyer..we have planned to go on it a few times but smething has to ruin the plans and at last..this time..we actually did it..but bfore that..its a stop at cck where kak pass fetch us w her fancy mansy car..hehh..so first stop..The Cathay!!..we booked tickets for Mummy:Tomb of the Dragon Emperor..bfore that we went to Yakun Kaya Toast for breakfast where we finally..or rather i..finally appreciate having emmer as a friend..lol..no laa...i love you dude..haha..not love LOVE you..but u know what i mean..u see..cz..2 out of 3 workers cant speak english at all!!..i mean cmon..international language la deyy..tsk..anw..after the movie..we went mount sophia..take pics..then..head for city hall where emmer lead fas..emmer has v good sense of direction btw..haha..then we went haji lane..why?? cz ainul wants to see that ice-cream scooper..i guess becoming an ice-cream scooper attracts girls attention nowadays uhh..hahah..anw..here are some of the pics..no wait..just i tiny portion of the pics..cz there are tons! haaaa

so this is the first thing that caught my eye...this demon-like statue..freaky noh..i keep imagining that it will come alive one day..and the worst thing is that..its NAKED..and SMILING..not a very good combination..our group photo...everyone is like looking good and all..when i suddenly realized smth!..look at kak pas's foot!!..amazing how she cld stand sill like that..how does she do it?!... :O

i mean look at that face..dont u just wanna smack it?? ahhahahaha..its like a " i wanna go hooomee..i want my mummyyy" kinda face..emmer..ure abg burb for goodness sake..pls uhh..(brub=burberry)..cz he's wearing a burberry shirt noh..dope ah emmer..

another group photo..this time..in the flyer cabin? capsule? aahh..capsule..haha..thats the word for it..haha..and look at nadia..posing bukan main lagi ehhh...hahahha..tapi hot..jadi tkpe..

but i wonder what caused kak pas's face to be like that...hmmm..

so i guess when harshanti dies..we shall pose ard him like this?? hahahahah...ok..thats a bit bastard ah..but guys..thats not where yr attention shld be..look at ainul..look at her face!!..PRICELESS LARR!!..hahahha

ok..that shall be all..videos coming up next..hehh :) gdday ppl..

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